#1. Do Away with Personal Stuff. We understand the need to make your house seem like a home to potential buyers, but you don’t want to over-do it and make it seem like it’s exclusively YOUR home. Be sure to take down personal items such as photos of family members and friends, mementos people have given you, and religious items. You don’t want potential buyers pigeon-holing your home as being only for people with kids or a certain set of beliefs. After all we are trying to sell our house fast.
#2. Get Rid of the Clutter. When you sit down in your house, you probably don’t notice that the clutter that has started to gather. Sure, it may all mean something to you and each piece maybe important but, to a casual observer it will just seem like junk. Before you have potential buyers come look over the house, box up everything that is not absolutely necessary for the décor of the space. Toys should also be put away since they give off the immediate feeling that the home is only suitable for younger people or parents. Experts suggest that you pack up and remove around 90% of what you usually have in your home. On top of de-cluttering, make sure that you clean the place from top to bottom. You want every door streak free, dust-free furniture, and spotlessly clean carpet.
#3. Focus on Purpose. Yes, I know that you use that front room for a study, playground, and workout area, but potential buyers don’t want to guess what each room is for. Make sure that you have each room set up with a specific purpose such as gym, sunroom, living room, dining room, and bedroom. Strive for keeping things organized when house hunters come looking – you can let down your hair when they’re gone. Also, if your rooms need some minor touch-ups such as a new paint job, consider getting it done – it will be worth your small investment when you make a sale.
#4. Get Rid of the Stink! Life isn’t always easy on a house and sometimes the smell isn’t always inviting. Before you let anyone in the house, kick out that stink and replace it with something good. Get rid of odors by completing tasks such as getting rid of the litter box, sending pets away to stay with friends for a while, and cleaning out the fridge. Replace the stink by popping a tasty pie or cookies into the oven when someone is ready to look at your place.
#5. The Outside Matters too. The outside of your home is the first thing buyers will see and will work to form their initial impression of the property. If your grass is too tall, the paint chipping on the house, and the walkway looks like its been used by a muddy pig, it’s not going to move anyone toward a sale. Be sure to spruce the outside up as much as the interior of the house. Get the weed-eater and lawnmower revved up, weed the garden, and sweep off any concrete surfaces. If your yard looks good, potential buyers will instantly feel better about your house.
Selling a home isn’t easy but, thanks to the five tips listed above, it is possible. Don’t let your house sit on the market forever; instead, take action to make it appealing to those looking for a new home.